Muse & Merlot

Ramblings of a Modern Day Renaissance Soul


My Sweet, Sweet Spirulina

Behold the magic of Spirulina Powder!!!!

Spirulina is an organism that grows in both fresh and salt water, more specifically, it's a bacteria called cyanobaerium (commonly called blue-green algae) and it is so incredibly good for you.  It is packed with nutrients that can have powerful effects on your bran and body.  A single tablespoon of this stuff has:

4g Protein
11% of your daily Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
15% of your daily Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
4% Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
21% Copper
11% Iron
Also contains plenty of Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese and many other vital nutrients.

Now, I must warn you, this stuff does NOT smell's basically pond scum if that gives you an idea!!

Here is how I have been drinking it and its SO good!

Tropical Spirulina Protien Smoothie--Vegan

2 scoops Vegan Vanilla Protein powder...This one's my Fav (link here)
8 oz Trader Joes Vanilla Coconut Milk
1 TBS Spirulina Powder
Handful of frozen pineapple bits

Mix in blender and top with 1 TBSP hemp seeds and enjoy!!

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