Muse & Merlot

Ramblings of a Modern Day Renaissance Soul


10 Tiny Fingers, 10 Tiny Toes......

It has been a while since I blogged and my husband has been telling me to get back into it.  Well, a final assignment for a course I am taking was to create a blog so I figured this may be the perfect time to get back into the swing of things. 

What better way to get back into blogging than to share some exciting news......  Jeff and I are expecting our first little peanut this May (a boy to be exact) and we are thrilled! 

How cute is this little man?!  I am biased of course but my goodness that little face!!!
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I found out I was pregnant on the second anniversary of our engagement and was shocked.  So shocked that I took 4 tests just to "make sure."  You would think a scientist would have faith in the positive results of ONE, but nope...I had to take 3 more!

As soon as the news sunk in and the results said BOY I eagerly and feverishly began  searching Pintrest for decor ideas.  I knew I wanted something that he could grow into that wasn't the typical "baby" themes you see a lot of and the scientist in me wanted lots of contrasting colors to aid in brain development.  Yes, it's a thing!!  

**Shameless science plug: Research shows that calm, neutral colors is equivalent to putting a blindfold on your baby...they simply can't differentiate the shades.  Babies need bold contrasts like black and white to stay engaged!  

What I came up with was an outdoorsey, colorful nursery scheme with 3 different walls.  One wall is done in chalkboard paint so I can leave little messages for him and when he get's bigger he can have an area to create!  The wall where his crib will go is a mountain- scape done in varying shades of gray with black "snow capped" peaks.  Finally, the wall with his dresser is decorated in black crosses and pine tree decals with a bright, kelly green dresser that I found in a thrift store and refinished!  
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His nursery is still a work in progress and I can't wait to share more pictures when I am done!  Do any other mommies-to-be have any decor preferences?  

Why I Went Vegan

After reading T. Colin Campbell's book, The China Study.....a MUST read! (link here) Long story short, after years and years of studying protein consumption vs plant based consumption, it was determined that the long term effects of the average, animal protein, based diet led to a plethora of diseases and health implications. Soooo after reading AND loving that book I decided to go back to my vegan ways (but doing it at 80/20) because let's be real, sometimes a girl needs a slice of cheesy, bubbly pizza!!! mmmmmmm!!

I wanted to quickly talk about why I originally went Vegan.  Growing up I  never liked to eat meat. I thought it tasted awful and I was lactose intolerant so basically I was pretty much born a "natural" vegetarian!  Anyways, once I was in my 20's, I started eating more meat and dairy based products, mostly because it seemed socially impossible not to and YES I totally fell in love with some of it, hence having baby back ribs at my wedding!  Along with the obvious weight gain that comes with eating and drinking whatever I wanted, I ended up getting really, really sick last winter....I was honestly sick for around 3 months straight, would get better for a month or so and get sick again...I was even sick on my wedding day and all throughout my honeymoon.  I had every test imaginable to figure out what was going on and everything was negative!! 

 I started to connect the dots backward to try and figure out what was going on by myself so I started an elimination diet that I had learned about from one of my gf's.  After giving up the meat and the dairy I felt AMAZING!  My skin was glowing, my hair was healthier and I felt like I could't conquer the world.  I also loved the way it challenged me in the kitchen.  While I know a vegan lifestyle isn't for everyone it is what works for me and makes me feel my absolute best.  I don't follow it every day because it isn't very practical when trying to dine out so I call myself an 80/20  vegan.  I eat vegan 80% of the time and the other 20% I eat whatever I want.  I think anyone looking to jump start a nutrition program should try a one week vegan cleanse to see how they feel!

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